Bacteriostatic textile-polymeric coat materials modified with nanoparticles


The Institute of Textile Materials Engineering (IIMW) in co-operation with the Institute of Material Science and Technical Mechanics (IMMT) of the Technical University of Wrocław undertook studies aimed at the development of technology for the preparation of appropriate nanoparticles with antibacterial properties and conditions for their use in the production of textile-polymeric coat materials with stable bacteriostatic properties (PBZ-KBN-095/T08/2003). Appropriate antibacterial materials have been developed with the use of the "sol-gel" technique by the group of IMMT. Their carriers consist of submicro-globules, mainly SiO2 and TiO2. On their surface was permanently deposited an antibacterial agent in the form of "nano-islets" of metallic silver, Ago, to impart the required bio-activity to the final products. It was of paramount importance to make these materials capable of dispersing, required by the technological processes of coating, ensuring also a good stability of the obtained dispersions in coating pastes as well as in the cross-linked polymeric matrices-membranes.

Marek Jasiorski
Marek Jasiorski
dr hab., Profesor PWr
Beata Borak
Beata Borak
dr, adiunkt