Marek Jasiorski
dr hab., Profesor PWr
- ☎️ +48 71 320 32 21
- 🏙️ 50-372 Wrocław, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 25 (budynek B1)
- 🚪 601
- Alloying of composite Cu-Al cold sprayed coatings by near-infrared radiation
- Photocatalytic and antibacterial properties of H2O2-sensitized TiO2
- Charakterystyka wybranych cech powłok fotokatalitycznych z amorficznego proszku TiO2 wytworzonych metodą natryskiwania na zimno
- Experimental study on aluminium bronze coatings fabricated by low pressure cold spraying and subsequent heat treatment
- Influence of spraying parameters on microstructure of oxygen-rich TiO2 coatings deposited using suspension low-pressure cold spray
- Low-pressure cold spraying of suspension TiO2 in a single pass – Process optimization
- Preliminary study on low-pressure cold spray process parameters: effect on mechanical and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 coatings
- The surface modification in low-pressure cold sprayed TiO2 coatings: effect on mechanical and photocatalytic properties
- Transformation of CuO and Cu2O particles into CuxS within the polymeric matrix of anion exchangers, and its structural and morphological implications
- An attempt to form aluminium bronze coatings by low pressure cold-spraying of mixed Al-Cu-(Al2O3) powders
- Approach to design photocatalytic TiO2 coatings – effects of low-pressure cold spray parameters on coatings characteristics
- Approach to design photocatalytic TiO2 coatings – effects of low-pressure cold spray parameters on coatings characteristics
- Low pressure cold sprayed TiO2 suspension coatings for visible-light photocatalytic applications
- Morphology and structure of selected low-pressure cold sprayed TiO2 coatings analysed for working as photocatalysts
- Preparation of visible-light active oxygen-rich TiO2 coatings using low pressure cold spraying
- Anomalous effect of Cu2O and CuO deposit on the porosity of a macroreticular anion exchanger
- Low pressure cold spraying of TiO2 on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
- Mechanical properties of TiO2 coatings deposited by low pressure cold spraying
- Photocatalytic activity enhancement of low-pressure cold-sprayed TiO2 coatings induced by long-term water vapor exposure
- Deposition of spherical and bracelet-like Cu2O nanoparticles within the matrix of anion exchangers via reduction of tetrachlorocuprate anions
- Heat-treatment of aluminium-nickel composite cold sprayed coating
- Size-controlled transformation of Cu2O into zero valent copper within the matrix of anion exchangers via green chemical reduction
- Cold-sprayed TiO2 and Ag-TiO2 coatings produced using sol-gel amorphous powders
- Hydrophobic coatings by Low Pressure Cold Spray
- Preliminary studies of TiO2 nanopowder deposition onto metallic substrate by low pressure cold spraying
- Prospects of low-pressure cold spray for superhydrophobic coatings
- Aluminium to steel resistance spot welding with cold sprayed interlayer
- Low-temperature transformation of amorphous Sol–Gel TiO2 powder to anatase during cold spray deposition
- Preliminary study of TiO2 nanopowder deposition onto metallic substrate by low pressure cold spraying
- Badania uszkodzonych łopatek turbiny parowej
- Corrosion resistance of copper coatings deposited by cold spraying
- Microscopic examination of cold spray cermet Sn+In2O3 coatings for sputtering target materials
- Sposób produkcji materiałów włókienniczych o właściwościach bioaktywnych i zwiększonej trwałości użytkowej
- Sposób produkcji materiałów włókienniczych o właściwościach hydrofobowych i zwiększonej trwałości użytkowej
- Sposób produkcji wielofunkcyjnych wyrobów włókienniczych
- Thermal properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) modified by nanoclay
- Insights into the multistep transformation of titanate nanotubes into nanowires and nanoribbons
- Sposób produkcji materiału włókienniczego o zwiększonej trwałości użytkowej
- Designing perovskite AMO3 phases by controlling the oxygen pressure and temperature during synthesis for a given combination of A and M ions
- Effect of UV exposure time on physicochemical properties of sol-gel derived coatings
- Functional sol-gel materials with tunable properties
- Silica particles for the design of smart delivery nanotools
- Surface modification of the silica particles with different functional groups
- High energy electron degradation of the bonding connections
- Imino-functionalized monodisperse spherical silica spheres
- Morphology and absorption properties control of silver nanoparticles deposited on two types of sol-gel spherical silica substrates
- Patent. Polska, nr 226136. Sposób produkcji materiałów włókienniczych o właściwościach hydrofobowych i zwiększonej trwałości użytkowej Int. Cl. D06M 11/00, D06M 11/45, D06M 11/46, D06M 11/77, D06M 11/83
- Patent. Polska, nr 226137. Sposób produkcji materiałów włókienniczych o właściwościach bioaktywnych i zwiększonej trwałości użytkowej Int. Cl. D06M 11/00, D06M 11/45, D06M 11/46, D06M 11/77, D06M 11/83
- Aktywne biologicznie nanocząstki i ich zastosowanie w przemyśle tekstylnym
- Patent. Polska, nr 226123. Sposób produkcji wielofunkcyjnych wyrobów włókienniczych Int. Cl. D06M 11/00, D06M 11/45, D06M 11/46, D06M 11/77, D06M 11/83
- Physicochemical characterization of ferromagnetic composite material based on cobalt nanoparticles
- Preparation and physicochemical characterization of silica-metal nanostructures with biological properties
- Antibacterial and fungicidal coating of textile-polymeric materials filled with bioactive nano- and submicro-particles
- Applying the sol-gel method to the deposition of nanocoats on textiles to improve their abrasion resistance
- Nanocoat finishing of polyester/cotton fabrics by the sol-gel method to improve their wear resistance
- Patent. Polska, nr 222260. Sposób produkcji materiału włókienniczego o zwiększonej trwałości użytkowej Int. Cl. D06M 11/45, D06M 11/46, D06M 11/77, D06M 11/83
- Patent. Polska, nr 227156. Sposób produkcji antybakteryjnych i antygrzybiczych włókienno-tworzywowych materiałów powłokowych Int. Cl. D06M 11/00
- Sposób produkcji antybakteryjnych i antygrzybiczych włókienno-tworzywowych materiałów powłokowych
- Preface
- Textile with silver silica spheres: its antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus
- Active sol-gel materials
- Aktywne materiały tlenkowe otrzymane metodą zol-żel: synteza, identyfikacja i zastosowanie
- Bakteriobójcze działanie immobilizowanych preparatów srebra i możliwość ich praktycznego zastosowania
- Silver nanoislands located on the silica spheres and its antimicrobial activity aginst Klebsiella pneumoniae strain
- Bactericidal properties of silica particles with silver islands located on the surface
- Bacteriostatic textile-polymeric coat materials modified with nanoparticles
- Morphology of ferromagnetic sol-gel submicron silica powders doped with iron and nickel particles
- Submicron-sized hybrid SiO2-Ni powders produced with the sol-gel method
- Surface functionalization of the silica spherical particles
- Synthesis and properties of sol-gel submicron silica powders doped with partly oxidized iron particles
- Active sol-gel powders
- Nanotechnologie w wytwarzaniu tekstyliów bakteriostatycznych
- Światłowodowy czujnik pH
- Wodoszczelne modyfikowane nanocząsteczkami materiały powłokowe o właściwościach bakteriostatycznych
- Luminescence properties of europium activated SrIn2O4
- Silica spherical particles obtained by the sol-gel method
- Influence of gamma radiation on neodymium bisphthalocyanine
- Properties and applications of silica submicron powders with surface Ag nanoclusters
- Surface-enhanced Raman spectra of substances adsorbed on AgO cluster deposited on SiO2 submicron spheres prepared by the sol-gel method
- Optical and structural properties of sol-gel derived bioactive glasses
- Optical properties of sol-gel derivated bioactive glasses
- Preparation and optical properties of submicron SiO2 spheres doped with YAG:Nd3+ nanocrystallites
- Raman spectra of molecules adsorbed on Ag centers in sol-gel matrices
- Technology and application of sol-gel materials
- Zastosowanie technologii zol-żel do detekcji substancji szkodliwych
- Nature and optical behaviour of heavily europium-doped silica glasses obtained by the sol-gel method
- Optical behaviour of sol-gel derived photonic structures formed by submicron silica spheres
- Spectroscopic behavior of 1,1'-diethyl-2,2'-dicarbocyanine iodide in ethanol/water solutions with high ionic strength
- Photochemical reduction of methyl viologen in silicate xerogels obtained by the sol-gel process
- Spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of metallophtalocyanines in silicate bulks and thim films prepared by the sol-gel method
- Wzór użytkowy. Polska, nr 62493. Światłowodowy czujnik pHInt. Cl. G01N 21/80
- Physicochemical properties of Ru(bpy)(2+)(3) entrapped in silicate bulks and fiber thin films prepared by the sol-gel method
- Spectroscopic properties of CDS nanoparticles embedded in lif film and sol-gel silica glasses. Comparative studies
- Spectroscopic properties of CdS nanoparticles embedded in sol-gel silica glasses
- Silicate xerogels with dopant-induced chirality